The Telegraph: Homeschooling 2.0: home learning second time around Education, Family and LifestyleWeb editorJanuary 4, 2021
The Telegraph: What Christmas on campus will look like for students who can't go home EducationWeb editorDecember 18, 2020
The Telegraph: Brexit won't affect your chance of studying in Europe EducationWeb editorDecember 15, 2020
The Telegraph: What GCSE fate awaits my 'annoying' son? Family and Lifestyle, EducationHelena PozniakAugust 20, 2020
The Telegraph: University 2020- Your 10 post-lockdown questions answered EducationWeb editorAugust 14, 2020
Imperial Magazine: Behind the scenes of one of the finest university orchestras in the country Branded content, EducationHelena PozniakJune 1, 2020
E&T Magazine: Virtual training - can technology come to the rescue? Environment Science and Technology, EducationWeb editorMay 18, 2020
The Telegraph: Could we halve global tuberculosis rates? Education, Environment Science and TechnologyWeb editorApril 8, 2020
The Telegraph: Radical vaccine technologies which are accelerating development Education, Environment Science and TechnologyWeb editorApril 8, 2020
E&T Magazine: Refugees and technology - on a journey of self-discovery Environment Science and Technology, EducationHelena PozniakFebruary 17, 2020
BOLD: Screens - are they "good" or "bad"? Environment Science and Technology, Education, Family and LifestyleHelena PozniakNovember 22, 2019
E&T Magazine: Are we succumbing to "technopanic"? Family and Lifestyle, Environment Science and Technology, EducationHelena PozniakSeptember 10, 2019
The Guardian: Teachers can change things Education, Environment Science and TechnologyWeb editorAugust 19, 2019
BOLD: The mystery of childhood mental health Education, Environment Science and Technology, Family and LifestyleHelena PozniakAugust 12, 2019
E&T Magazine: Empathetic technology - experiencing life through the looking glass Environment Science and Technology, EducationHelena PozniakJune 19, 2019
Get Into Teaching / The Telegraph: How fantastic teaching can transform a school Branded content, EducationWeb editorDecember 21, 2018